IT Companies in my town (Nis, Serbia, Eastern Europe)

Serbia, Europe
Nis, Serbia
Nis, Serbia

The town of Nis (Niš, pronounced Niche) with its population of over 300,000 people is the University center of the South Serbia. South Serbia is the region with the lowest average salaries, broken industry (including EI Nis electronics which was the symbol of my town 20 years ago), it is often forgotten by government centered around Belgrade, etc. etc (there are numerous places in Serbian language containing more detailed ramblings (complaints mostly) on the current state in the region).

Being an optimist I tend to think that this hard economical situation has positively influenced the development of IT sector. There are numerous IT companies in Nis which are outsourcing partners of US and European companies (for example Accordia, Seavus, Youngculture). There are also companies that have their own products such as MotionDSP‘s video enhancment products or Atomia‘s server and hosting automation platform (they were also one of the Gold Sponsors of 2011 HostingCon). Please note that the above mentioned companies do not necessarily originate nor are completely located in Nis but have significant development resources located there. Also there are many freelancers including Genius-Tech, Disample, or individuals like me 🙂 who work from home. I’ve noticed that on freelancers from Nis are the majority of Serbian freelancers. For a more thorough list of IT companies in Nis take a look at the table below. The given list is unofficial and probably incomplete but helps in getting the overall picture. I’ll update the list with new info from time to time.

Unofficial list of Nis IT Companies
Id Link ~No of Emp Technologies, Comments
1 17 PHP, Java, Mobile Services
2 20 Java EE, Spring, Hibernate, Hybris
3 5 PHP, Design, custom CMS
4 58 .Net, Java, C++
5 10 MSSQL, C#.Net, iOS
6 10 Java EE, C#, Elearning
7 5 C#, .Net
8 10 PHP, C#, .Net
9 10 ERP, Information systems, .Net
10 5* .Net, Hardwar
11 Cim group** 10** .Net
12 Atomia 20 Automation software for hosting companies
13 ING software 7 .Net, ASP, web development
14 3+ .Net, Web development, PHP, Zend
15 15 Java, Oracle
16 Eurogenyx 3 Electronics, .Net
17 Simplicity 5 Web development, PHP
18 Alfatec 15 R&D, Python, .Net, Electronics
19 PSC Mobile Solutions 3 .Net
20 Ates Nearsourcing 12 Web design & developement (PHP – Symfony framework + .NET), Mobile (iPhone, Android)
21 Niri 19 SWD – Java, Spring, Hibernate & Data Science/Machine Learning, Python
22 10 Java EE, Spring, Hibernate
23 Accordia Group LLC 50 .Net, Java, Delphi, Data mining, SVG, Flex
24 n.a. Information systems
25 n.a. Information systems
26 15 C++, .Net, Video enhancement tools
27 Disample DCC n.a. Web design
28 Adriatiko (Inter Casa Ambienta doo) 5 PHP, Web design and development
29 ~7* C, C++, Electronics (Casino games, Led displays)
30 Younify 10 Magento, PHP
31 MobileWasp ~3 Android, iPhone
32 3 Php, Zend, Web development
33 20 iPhone, Web design
34 Smart net 13 .Net, mobile, js (more info at
35 Dualsoft n.a. Information systems for betting support
36 Energosoft 5 Oracle, Java ADF, SAP
37 Diyomi n.a. .NET, PHP, J2ME, Flash/Flex
38 Kraftwerk GmbH 12 Android, iPhone
39 15 Web design & development, mobile
40 Megatrend 10 Information systems
41 FutureForward 3 php, flash, flex
42 StangaOne1 20 c#,php, mobile(ios,android), FED, QA, opened in june 2012
43 DMV n.a. .net, electronics
44 Tehnopetrol n.a. Delphi
45 Mainframe2 now 9 HTML5, Rails, C++, .net, python, nodejs (startup)
46 n.a PHP, custom CMS
47 DOCS Logistics 6 .Net
48 n.a Embedded systems, HW
49 17 Mobile apps (iPhone, Android)
50 n.a. Embedded systems, SCADA
51 20 PHP, Android, iOS
52 Zlatna buba 11 .Net
53 Aster Media Net n.a. Web and mobile development
54 App Module 10 iOS, Android, PHP i Java Web
55 Shindiri studio 15 WordPress and themes (good rank on ThemeForest)
56 Edev 5 Web and mobile development
57 IT Centar 4 Web and mobile development. Smart TV apps.
58 Code control 3 Web design and development
59 Neopix 10 Web design and development***
60 Transactor Technologies Limited
15 Oracle, Java, C#, Android, Web Design***
61 BankSoft ~7 Banking software
62 WhiteCircle 4 Web development
63 EXLRT ~5 SDL Tridion, Sitecore, ADAM, Kentico, Java/.Net
64 Prime 20 PHP, .Net, Java
65 Badinsoft 50 Java, Javascript (Angular, React i Vue), PHP (Zend, Magento, WP), Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL
66 15 Web/Mobile
67 20 Outsourcing (has office in Nis)
68 10 Outsourcing (Web/Magento)
69 5 Web/Mobile

*No of employees in software department

**it is recognized among developers as the worst IT company in the region

***part of the team is in Nis

Please note: This table should be observed from a developers point of view -> potential employment opportunities. Therefore the employee numbers given represent the number of developers that work in Nis even though company could be located elsewhere. It is the same for technology column.

Update: I have updated employee numbers for Seavus, Horisen, Youngculture, SmartNet (Thanks for corrections)

Update 2: Added dualsoft and corrected info about youngculture having office in Novi Sad

Update 3: Updated employee number for Seavus from 25 to 58. Apparently the information I had before was too old.

Update 4: Added Energosoft and updated employee number for ING Software from 5 to 7

Update 5: Corrected info about logik

Update 6: Added Kraftwerk, Diyomi, EtonDigital, Megalink

Update 7: Added FutureForward, corrected info on Megalink (megatrend actually)

Update 8 (June 25, 2012): Changed the number of employees for younify. Added StangaOne1.

Update 9 (July 16, 2012): Updated info for Ates nearsourcing (number of employees, technologies)

Update 10 (February 26, 2013): Added 3 new companies: DMV, Tehnopetrol as advised by Miljan and a new startup in Nis – Mainframe2. Corrected salary info (upper limit and percentage below 1000e).

The information about salaries is not given for obvious reasons, but for Nis they are within range 500e – 2400e net (for gross value add 40% to that number). Approximately 70% of developers have less than 1500e.

For more details about any of the above mentioned company you can check with provided links or you can contact me (email: sfsgagi attt gmail dottt com or on twitter @draganstankovic) and I would be very glad to help in making contact for you or to direct you in the proper way.

It’s good to be a developer in Nis 🙂



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46 responses to “IT Companies in my town (Nis, Serbia, Eastern Europe)”

  1. Tanja Avatar

    Odličan članak… dosta mi je malinara (uz svo dužno poštovanje) – ali neko ovo treba da vidi

  2. Peda Avatar

    A što si našoj firmi stavio samo 2 zvezdice? Zaslužujemo mnogo više!!!

  3. Života Avatar

    Šefe, da ga tužimo? Evo ja ću opet lažno da svedočim.

  4. Zeljko Avatar

    Najvise zvezdica je zasluzio ates. Kuvanje, restorani i zvezdice… to je uvek islo zajedno.

  5. […] have decided to register updates to IT Companies in my town (Nis, Serbia, Eastern Europe) as separate posts. So here is the first update in that manner: – I have updated the info for […]

  6. Kiki Avatar

    Zeljko ne brini nista! Imamo Iliju, ja kad ga uzbudim ima da mi dohvati sve zvezdice!

  7. gagi Avatar

    Ates update je dobrodosao ako ima znacajnih izmena.

  8. Milan Avatar

    Upoznao sam ljude koji rade u firmama:

    a nema ih ovde, a koga nema ovde ko i da ga nema 🙂

  9. […] two years ago I have started to populate the unofficial list of IT companies in my town (Nis, Serbia). In the beginning it contained something above 20 companies and now it reached more […]

  10. gagi Avatar

    Hvala puno. Ubacio sam podatke i za njih.

  11. Zeljko Avatar

    Ovo 19.Pakom Development Center hvala bogu ne postoji vise, bar ne u tom obliku sada se zove PSC Mobile Solutions i radi se .Net

  12. gagi Avatar

    @Zeljko Hvala ispravio sam.

  13. Ivan Avatar

    Ates moze da smanjis broj zaposlenih na ~18

  14. gagi Avatar

    Hvala. Ispravio sam.

  15. Zeljko Avatar

    PSC Mobile Solutions broj zaposlenih 3

  16. gagi Avatar

    Hvala. Ispravljeno. Ispravljen i Ates jer se u medjuvremenu smanjio broj zaposlenih.

  17. Philip Bay Avatar

    This posting on the internet through Expertaya is so refreshing. Nis will become a new center of excellence for the IT and electronics industry for sure. It’s already starting — it’s just that the political leaders in Belgrade cannot see beyond the Danube and the Sava rivers… They forgot that Nis is only two hours away by car, and when the new motorways between Sofia and Macedonia/Greece are finished late next year, Nis will only be two hours away from several European capitals and five million people. Go Naissus!

  18. gagi Avatar

    @Philip Bay
    Sorry for delay in approving your comment. I was very busy and had to clean a lot of spam to reach it.
    Go Naissus! 🙂

  19. Milan Avatar

    Horisen sada u Nisu ima 17-oro.
    Cuo sam i za firmu zlatna buba mada ne znam da li imaju sajt.
    Takodje i appmodule mislim da ima tim u Nisu


  20. Darko Avatar

    Htec sada u Nisu ima 20. zaposlenih (zajedno sa kancelarijom u Beogradu 60).

  21. gagi Avatar

    @Milan @Darko
    Ispravljeno. Hvala!

  22. aleksandar.m Avatar

    Postoji firma ‘Zlatna buba’ i nema sajt, ali ima odlicne .net developere; broj ljudi 7,8 cini mi se.
    Takodje Stanga ima 20 ljudi; tehnologije: c#,php, mobile(ios,android), FED, QA

  23. japysha Avatar

    @gagi Ates sad ima 12 developera, java i php – symfony, Zend trenutno nema u atesu.

  24. gagi Avatar

    Ispravljeno. Hvala!

  25. milos Avatar

    na spisku fali firma Aster Media Net

  26. Saša Avatar

    SmartNet Technologies sada ima 13 developera. Nove, veće i modernije prostorije su sada u Zoni 2.
    Pored .NET-a radimo i razvoj aplikacija za mobilne uredjaje i to iOS i Android, a naravno i sve moderne JS frameworks kao sto su AngularJS, Knockout i druge. Vise o tehnologijama kojima se bavimo mozete da vidit eovde

  27. gagi Avatar

    Ispravljeno i dodato sa malo zakašnjenja (dok stigoh sa odmora). Hvala!

  28. Milan Avatar

    Verovatno najbolje pozicionirana niska firma na envato (themeforest, codecanyon) marketima

  29. sw-Ag Avatar

    Šuška se da su se ovi veći sa liste dogovorili oko maksimalne plate prema pozicijama, preko kojiih neće da idu. Tako da tavorimo iza BG i NS po platama, a kome se ne sviđa neka lance-uje ili neka se seli. Pa bi mogao jedan blog post da padne na tu temu a Gagi? 🙂

  30. gagi Avatar

    Mislim da to nije tačno.Stvar je ponude i tražnje tj. za dobre ljude se ovi najveći itekako otimaju. Takođe, iako plata igra veliku ulogu postoje i druge stvari koje su bitne kada neko bira gde će da radi (tehnologije, ljudi, radno vreme, …)

    Po mom mišljenju značajnija razlika u plati jeste postojala ali pre jedno 10-ak godina. Sada ne.

    Koliko mislite da su plate u NS i BG?

  31. Jelena Avatar

    Update: EtonDigital ima 15 radnika, bavi se i Mobile development-om.

  32. gagi Avatar

    Ispravljeno. Hvala.

  33. Snežana Avatar

    Ukoliko želite da čujete švedska iskustva iz IT-a i “gejminga” dođite na “Aj Si Ti” konferenciju 29. aprila u bioskopu Kupina.
    Više o konferenciji možete videti na linku ispod.

  34. gagi Avatar

    Додато. Хвала!

  35. Zarko Avatar

    Nedostaje AppModule, 10 zaposlenih, tehnologije: iOS, Android, PHP i Java Web

    Za llumnis isto imam update: 10 zaposlenih, tehnologije: MSSQL, C#.Net i iOS

  36. gagi Avatar

    Ажурирао сам AppModule (био на позицији 54) и Ilumnis. Хвала!

  37. Slobodanka Avatar

    Da li neko ima podatke gde se nalazi firma Triangle Serbia.
    To je neka novo otvorena programerska firma u Nisu.

  38. Nenad Avatar

    Troxo se podelio zvanično, te sad Atomia ima 20 ljudi, a Troxo 10. Atomia razvija svoj proizvod/platformu u .NET tehnologiji (Automation Software), Troxo je prevashodno baziran na PHP, JS (CRM, CMS, Custom Web services…).

    Uni4Gold je zvanično ugašen.
    Zlatna Buba ima 11 ljudi.
    Mainframe je ažuran naravno… 🙂

    Možeš slobodno da staviš prave nazive firmi u linkove 🙂

  39. […] ourselves) now work for successful international companies based within the country. Most of these companies work within the IT sector. Their headquarters are either in Europe or United States, but main […]

  40. gagi Avatar

    Hvala puno (tek sad sam azurirao).
    Azurirao sam i Kraftwerk (hvala Almiru)

  41. Dusan Avatar

    Fali firma Prime Software koja se od skora otvorila u Nisu. Ima oko 20 programera, rade PHP, .NET i Javu.

  42. gagi Avatar

    Додао Prime. Ажурирао процену плата јер се доста променило у последње 2, 3 године од када је задњи пут ажурирано.
    Added Prime. Salary estimates updated. When it comes to salaries it has changed a lot over the last 3 years. It’s way better now (for devs of course 🙂

  43. Mladja Avatar


    Ovako ja sam radio u 4 firme u zadnjih 3.5 godina i nijedna od njih nije na listi. Ne znam odakle sakupljate informacije ali evo poslacu vam linkove ovamo: ~15 radnika 20+ radnika, imaju kancelariju u Nisu, radi se preko radnje, moze raznorazni oblici part i full time ~10 radnika ~5 radnika

  44. Miloš Avatar

    Nabasao sam na tekst, pa hajde da ostavim da je jedna od novijih kompanija u Nišu i Badin Soft. Trenutno ima više od 50 zaposlenih i radi sa dosta tehnologija, uglavnom Java, Javascript (uključujući Angular, React i Vue), PHP (Zend, Magento, WP), Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL itd…
    Full disclosure – radim za Badin, tako da se nadam da je komentar OK.

  45. gagi Avatar


    Млађо, Ваш коментар ми био аутоматски убачен у спам (вероватно због броја линкова у њему) а мало сам и изгубио контакт са нишком сценом јер од 2015 живим у Калифорнији (San Francisco, Bay Area).
    Надам се да листа и даље користи људима а трудићу се да ажурирам и убацујем све што сазнам (преко пријатеља, коментара, а може и директно на sfsgagi ет џимејл . ком 🙂

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